Friday, February 03, 2006

I tried smoking today and for once, it did not burn my throat.Infact,I quite liked's only when I tried exhaling the smoke through my nose that things got a bit out of hand...I think I inhaled it, instead and then got laughing which eventually choked me...but it was a lot of fun!!!And,I guess I freaked S out because he kept asking if I was ok.


Joychaser said...



March Hare said...

is this a part of 'trying-to-shed my-image-as-a-goody-two-shoes-so- that-bimbo-won't-call-me-sensible' mission???

p.s. and congrats S!!! (on managing to get her to smoke...SMOKE!!! NO LESS....e.t. smoking??? *sigh* what is the world coming to????)