Saturday, February 04, 2006

I bumped into an old friend from school today...but I don't think she recognised me.She kind of looked through me as if I don't really exist.I hate it when people do that intentionally.I mean,how long does it take to say a "hi" or a "kemon achish"?Not even a minute.Please don't tell me we can't even spare a minute for those with whom we have virtally spent our entire childhood.I wish we could stop being so overtly selfish and full of ourselves all the time...


erebus said...

she was probably waiting for you to recognise her first... that's always my policy if I see someone I know from a while back... wait for them to recognise me... if they don't... breathe a sigh of relief and walk on by.

onnesha said...

could your blog....damn cool man!!!

darkling said...

hey oni i knw how it feels wen this da way its sohini

onnesha said...

woah!woah!waoh!which sohini???