Sunday, January 28, 2007

uff!!! I simply hate virtual reality.
There!I said it.

I'm so done with spooky creepy middle aged men trying to "make friendshipps" at orkut.Random strangers dropping in "just to say hi..";curious,freaky,nosy blockheads devouring the contents of my each and every scrap...I'm just done with all of it.I'm plain exasperated.bugged.pissed.big time.

The load's off me...finally!!!


Joychaser said...

strange strangers. but fun. no?

Anonymous said...

i understand da pain

Anonymous said...

hey, werent you complaining just a few posts ago how no one wants to "mak fransip" with you? ha? ha?

*Says in creepy voice*: "Be careful what you wish for. Muhahahahahahaha"

onnesha said...,they are SO not!!!
@inihos...ya ya..we all know,dont we!!!
@aqui...ya,that was then..i still wana "make frndshipps"...u wana be my friend???

Astraeus said...

what do you mean that is why virtual reality is sooo much fun its all about doing stuff behind a veil which is translucent

darkling said...


onnesha said...

@rohit,well duh1wat wud u know*scowl*
u have afterall never encoutered weird blokes offering to "make frandsippps" with you...
it freaks me out after a while...

Anonymous said...

btw, one of my friends has declared herself married to avoid the problem

Anonymous said...

Sure I do... But not creepy orkut friend, ok?

@ inihos: LOL!!!

onnesha said...

@ inihos,umm...err...errr....that in turn gioves rise to other very grave misunderstandings...and as of now i wana steer clear of controversies!!! i know u are not one of 'them'.LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

will you do franding with me? i is wanted garam garam babe jast laik u for my puro laiffff.. pliej to honar my rekuesht or i will go pagla with sex-desire 4u...