Saturday, January 20, 2007

Its been three long months since I had blogged last.And I probably wouldnt have even today had Things not been so inexplicably mundane around here.What with precisely nothing to do,here I am trying yet again to revive my once upon a time old blogging spree...although I still am sceptical about how long this will last..afterall not all days are as uneventful as today(and thank God for such small mercies)

Things have suddenly been awfuly hectic for the last few months..and they will continue being so for some time longer.Classes have been scheduled from 10.20 in the morning and if ED courses are included,things go on as late as 4.30.Had this been the case even a semester back,you would have found me throwing a ruchus at this sheer "injustice"(yes,ladies and gentleman..thats precisely how i would have addressed the case!!!).But not now.Quite uncannily I have grown(am growing)acquainted to this and much much more.And since the change is (in all probability) for the better,I atleast am not complaining!!!

I wasnt really prepared to make a comeback in blogosphere(trust me,otherwise,things would have been pretty grand!!!)and I can figure that its showing rather evidently.After all,wasnt it the same old 'me' who went about saying she would only and only blog again if she comes across 'things' or 'events' that are significant and which she deems necessary to be blogged about."Well?Whatever happenned to all that?",you would say.Quite so.I agree with you totally,absolutely and whole heartedly.Quite,quite so.But before you hurl further accusations at me and call me a *****ing something,I plead you to pause for a minute or two.Pause for the sake of humanity and spare a thought for this poor soul( i am surely NOT trying to gain your sympathy.*gasp*NO!!!!)

But if you ever have had a tiff with your mum on a gloomy wintry afternoon and retreated to your den sulking and calling yourself names for being a ****whatever,and stared blankly at the comp with nothing to do,nowhere to go,nothing to listen to,nothing to read...and felt a stifling warp of boredom creep into you,you would probably remotely relate to my situation.
Hadnt you lesser mortals then done the same as me...drenched yourself in exasperation and blogged about it ,telling the whole wide world how shitty it feels to be 'you'~just at times?
Well then,wasnt this an event just as much as any of other events happenning around you?

There!I made my point.Gah!


Anonymous said...

Amen to that!!!

Anonymous said...

thot u will chnge the system but the system has chnged u...fanch fanch[shedding tears]........

Anonymous said...

dont get hooked too much

Anonymous said...

dun wory hon...thngs r gonna b beter