Tuesday, January 23, 2007

i hate the voices inside my head.i hate the way they scream at me.


i hate it when i get into a meticulous spree.i plan.i organise.i write stuff down.and i boss.
oh god!how i boss.
not just others.but myself.mostly.
i jot things down that i might forget otherwise.and then i forget them inevitably.
you know there are some people who like being left to themselves.unkempt.disorderly.forgetful.dreamy.i'm one of them.i mess things up.i scowl at the camera.giggle.get into a giggling frenzy.cackle and roll into a feat till my sides ache.i'm almost always late.i'm forever broke.i'm forever hungry.guilty.happy.sad.idunnowhat.
my shoes are torn.my clothes are crumpled.my hair tussled.blunt nails.and i'm forever making paper boats.squinting eye.cringing nose.hogging.belching.giggling.making boats.
and i love the clouds.the sky.and the sun.i used to like the moon and the stars too.but i dont like them anymore:(
ooof!i have really lost it this time!!!


Anonymous said...

I usually like the moon and the stars, but this week I've decided to like the sun.

Blame it on winter.

anubrata said...

yaaaaayyy i have a new blogspot just for the pleasure of my reading.

onnesha said...

@aqui...ya totally.whoever hasnt changed camps from the moon and stars to the sun,are losers or they are lying through their teeth!!!
@anubrata.yaay to you too.thankee!

Anonymous said...

i understnd girl.......v r lyk dat only!!

onnesha said...

@lil boxes...ya man..like,totally!!!:P

Anonymous said...

they always do...
they will always be there....screaming their world out in your head..they will make ui go mad accross the sun.....
and my dear kish.... thATS LIFE...
live it and try to love it...
and be the the strongest on the planet...thats a portal to

onnesha said...

@eski...i know..i know..i know...
did i ever tell u how indispensable these voices are to me?
they make me what i am...and what i want to remain all throughout~the unkempt bundle of contradiction!!

Anonymous said...

so you blog again!

onnesha said...

@t.b.c..ya.im back in the groove,honey!