Tuesday, May 09, 2006

radio stations can be sucha major turn off,man!!
when would they understand that there is more to music than just himmesh reshamiya(i probably got the spelling wrong...but i don't bloody care:[ )and his ever so nauseating nasal tera suroooor....disgusting how he keeps droning on and on and on...
i wish the radio people had better tastes...
haven't heard anjan dutt's bondhutter hoyna podobi in a reeeeeeeaaallly long time...could anyone spare his/her c.d??


Bone said...

download, download, download. i could've downloaded but shit as my connection is, i couldn't have uploaded it again and emailed to you. amar computer'e ekta daroon entertaining mp3 file porey achhe, i can't email it to anyone :(

and about the last post, i choose to stick to my religion (angelina jolie worship that is), so bring on the knives and gags. this should be fun. lol.

onnesha said...

alrighty...baby you asked for this...bring 'em on...knives,swords,daggers,all of them...yeah baby now it looks like fun..

March Hare said...

hehehehe....suchi porechhe ei post ta??

Bone said...

hehe... that's like the corniest war cry i've ever heard... but i'm desperate and i haven't had a good knife fight for ages... so who am i to complain?

therefore... bring on the jihad! i'll die so that my religion triumphs! yahyahyah!

onnesha said...

okay...I'm cool...(flexing muscle...clenching teeth...bracing up...)
do you have your insurance done...you know just in case..
@sen...what's thgis got to do with suchi?i don't think she reads my blog..why?

onnesha said...

ohhh!i got it...damn i'm slow...but i think she'd agree witgh me...lets face it ..they suck...they all suck...

Unknown said...

i Do agree with you, they Do suck, but they don`t have much to do with what plays on air, its the album sales and stuff like that which determine it...also, i DO read your blog. bah!

onnesha said...

there!i knew you would defend "them"....good ole committed girlfriends always do:P
[onnesha clutches her backpack...looks back this one time before sprinting off....run run...save yourself from the yippee monster!!]